About the poster

The poster photo depicts part of the ground tiling of an 11th century rotunda discovered several years ago inside the building of the School of Computer Science of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Prague. The tiling repeats two motives: a lion and a gryphon. Though ICRA 2018 will be held in a different (much larger) premise, we plan to have a short opening ceremony of the Conference and/or Workshop in the beautiful baroque refectory of the School, just above the former rotunda. The Faculty has recently received a prize of the National Heritage Institute and won the 2018 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award for reconstructing the ruins of the rotunda and making them partially available to the public. So currently, the lions and gryphons represent the Faculty to the European art history public.

At the upper left corner of the poster, the quiver of the string algebra X_1 is depicted (known, e.g., from the TAMS paper 'Krull–Gabriel dimension of domestic string algebras' by Laking, Prest and Puninski, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/tran/7093).

Conference poster to download